<京都>南禅寺付近   平成15年3月5日
Summer Saishoin
The evening bell,solemn and bronze
in the grandfather temple down the hill
soun dimly here.
Slow beat of the mountain's heart, perhaps,
or determined pulse of pine tree (gift of the birds)
growing out of a crotch of the slippery monkey tree.
All one perhaps--
bell, mountain tree...
and steady cicada vibratto
and little white dog
and quiet artist-priest, carver of Noh masks,
fashoning a bamboo crutch for the ancient peach tree--
symbol of strength, symbol of concern.
All cool under nodding crowns of the vertical forest,
all seaking in this piace,
all finding  in this piace--
hidden yet open to all--
the spirit in the cedar's heart.
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